I am doing character design for a Visual Development class~
Our instructor is
Paul Lasaine and his stuff is AWESOME! You guys should check it out.
I am not done with my character development yet but I just wanna post something since I have a long time didn't post anything new :)
We are doing visual development based on a story that our instructor Paul wrote.
So this is my character design for the captian (the father) in the story.
His personality is serious, responsible, and organized (neat freak? :P) So the shape of the character is SQUARE.
some facial expression sketches

This was rendered within an hour... (photoshop) ... so I call it a "quick rendering(painting)"
I guess I work faster now... thanks to Art Center hell training = =|||

However, I am still exploring the art style I want to use.
I want to try something different this time... but I couldn't help myself to add more details when I did this rendering. I am gonna do a really flat and 2D style for this character and see how it will turn out. :)
So I will keep this for myself :)